Thursday, March 3, 2011

2011 Watch Out - Marlie Maziur

If you don't have your volume on please turn it up!  We love this song by Taylor Swift but it's 100 times better when Marlie sings it.  And she can sing!!! Every night she makes us sit by the fireplace or on the couch and we have to listen to her.  Most of the time she makes up her own words and she dances too.  Sometimes it's adorable, sometimes it's hilarious and sometimes it's really sweet.  Maybe one day she will be a "Taylor Swift" and I will live vicariously through her since that is my dream job!!!

Marlie is in PreK-3 and is also at SMMCS with her big brother.  She is learning a lot and has really grown.  She used to be shy to start something new but not anymore! She marches right into places like she owns them.  We are going through a tough stage with Marlie right now.  She's feisty (maybe it's that red tint in her hair!) and can get really frustrated.  But she is also very loveable too. 

We are busy with ballet and gymnastics.  She can do a really good bridge all by herself.  Some days she takes it all very seriously and other days she is just a hoot.  I am always approached by all her coaches/teachers with funny stories.  We also spend a lot of time at brother's activities and she is so supportive of him.  She always tells him when he does a good job. 

The best part about a 3 year old is that they say the funniest things.  Here's a few:
  • "Mom I know what anteaters eat.  They eat fire ants for our freedom."
  • When she was sick last week she got up in the middle of the night and told me "Mom I forgot how to sleep."
  • Shortly after that she said she was "wondering how ants kiss".  It was 4:00am so I didn't come up with a good response.
  • At dinner that night I asked her if she figured it out and she said "well I don't know if they lick you a kiss or bite you a kiss."
  • She came out of her gymnastics class Monday to tell me a secret.  She asked "Mom when I get big can I go to work with you?" Then darted back into class and jumped back on the beam. 
  • When we were home sick we were sitting at the table eating lunch.  She put her hand on mine and said "Mom I love you even when I'm sick.  I love you everyday!"  Which I better because I was up all night!  :) 
We still have a long road ahead of us with Marlie.  And from what I see now, I am already praying for God to give us strength and guidance to make it through the teen years!!!  I see a lot of me in her which is fun, but also scary.  She seems so strong willed but we know how sensitive she is too.  I love how she cares about everything and everyone around her.  I love how she thinks her brother is the greatest person ever.  I love how she gets excited everytime we pull in the driveway and Dad's truck is there.  I love how she tries so hard at ballet and gymnastics.  I love how she gets mad at people for saying "can't" because that's a bad word.  I love, love how she sings and dances like no one is watching.  I love her hazel eyes, freckles and strawberry brown hair!  I love how she always follows me at home trying to be a helper but really isn't.  I love how proud she is every day when she gets happy faces at school.  I love when she gets in trouble and is crying big dinosaur tears but still says "yes ma'am" and "I'm sorry Momma".  I love how she always talks about wanting to go to work with me!!  And I really love when you say God is good, Marlie shouts ALL THE TIME! 

I had to post this pic of Marlie and Hayden on SuperBowl Sunday.  They had so much fun!!

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