Saturday, June 30, 2018

Orchestra Camp??

The kids enjoy different camps during the summer and I usually piece the summer together like a puzzle, with dance, baseball, camps, friends to join at camps, carpools, etc. This year Matt caught me off guard when he said he wanted to go to orchestra camp. Not only that but he did all the research and found some friends to room with. So I get a text from a friend that said I guess the boys are going to orchestra camp!

Matt and I went back and forth on this. I have to remind him often to practice his viola so I wasn't sure I wanted to spend lots of money to send him to play music for 5 days?? But he insisted so off they went to Sam Houston State University for the week! Matt roomed with his good friend Zach and Jackson and John stayed in the adjoining room. 
The boys had a good time. They said the rehearsals were tedious because they practiced measure-by-measure but I explained to Matt that's how you practice and maybe that taught him something. They had a great end of camp performance and Matt got the Outstanding Camper Award of the Viola Section! Pretty cool! 
Since Matt's been home from orchestra camp, he's playing much better. I'm glad he had the opportunity to go. I think the boys enjoyed a parent free week of hanging out! Maybe we can get them to go to the Baylor camp next year!