Sunday, December 16, 2012

Marlie's Christmas Recital

Yesterday was Marlie's Christmas recital.  I love these performances...the girls get so excited and they are so very cute! Cousin Mallory, Duy and Uncle Jay came too!

Part of the fun is getting ready.  I decided to curl Marlie's hair since it is so long and beautiful and then put it in a side ponytail.  It looked great!  Now she wants me to curl it every day because she said it looks like Taylor Swift!  She also loves that I let her wear a little bit of make-up and sparkly lotion!
You are probably wondering what happened to Matt and I should probably do a separate post for that story.  Good news is he's fine...just missing a few teeth! Here are Marlie and Emilie all ready to go!
The performance was wonderful! Marlie did a great job and I was so very proud of her.  I am linking in a video although it's a bit difficult to see.

Afterwards the girls enjoyed their cookies! Sweet Lauren wasn't feeling good but I managed to get her cute smile in this picture...
Congratulations girls you did great!  We can't wait to see the big performance in the spring.  

1 comment:

Sarah K - Sentiments by Sarah said...

Marlie is going to be a superstar - you can tell she just loves the spotlight. And do tell Matt's story - looks like he & some sporting equipment had a date with a road. Hope those weren't permanent teeth. Iva has already lost 8 and Alena 7 - we are well on our way to braces.