Sunday, June 23, 2019

Camp ChoYeh

The kids both wanted to go back to ChoYeh this summer but it gets hard as they get older. Their summers are pretty full with activities and they want to go with friends but it's hard coordinating with friend's schedules too. So Marlie went the first week of June with Lauren and Matt was excited to take Corey with him during the 3rd week of June for Corey's first summer camp!

The girls had a wonderful time. They loved their counselors and this is the first year they've really bonded with all the girls in their cabin. Since it was the first week it wasn't too crowded yet. Marlie ran into a friend from HSMT and saw several other kids from WMS.
 We saw so many great pictures posted throughout the week! 
I don't think these girls were ready to go home when we came to pick them up. Such a great group! Apparently there was an inside joke about shouting chicken strips while your shirt was half way over your head?!?!?! Marlie was awarded the Faithfulness award again this year. Her counselor said she loved how knowledgeable Marlie was about the bible. Praise God!
Matt was so happy that Corey went with him to camp. Corey was a little nervous but he's super social and didn't have any problem. We didn't see too many pictures of them throughout the week but probably because they hid from the camera! It was funny to hear their stories when we picked the boys up. This week of camp was completely full and there were 17, 13 year old boys in one cabin. Apparently it was pretty crazy and one of the counselors admitted to it at pick up. I'm not sure I'd want to be with that many boys in one cabin for the week.
 Kids are looking forward to going back next year! Hopefully our schedules won't be so crazy!!

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