Saturday, March 2, 2019

WMS Lionettes

Marlie is a 6th grader at Woodcreek Middle School this year. Most 6th graders can't participate in school sports but for some reason the 6th graders can be on the dance team. I encouraged her to tryout. It's not at the same level she's used to dancing but I knew it was a great opportunity for her to meet new friends and be a part of the school. And she loved it!

The girls got to perform at several pep rallys throughout the year. 
 They also got to do their pom at a 7th and 8th grade football game! It was so fun my worlds finally collided and I got to watch Matt and Marlie on the same field!! 
 At Christmas time the girls marched in the Humble Christmas parade!
In the spring the girls got to compete at 2 competitions. They competed in pom, jazz and hip hop. Their pom routine took 1st place and jazz and hip hop 2nd.

 This is probably my favorite pic. Hanging out in between dances and chillin'. 
Marlie got to see her friend Reagan that dances at Atascosita Middle School. These girls have danced together since they were 3! And Carmen came to watch them too. 
 Strutters also competed at this competition so we got to see Addie and Jayna!
Marlie got to compete her solos. It was so fun...her teammates and all the Lionette parents came to support her for both solos. When they called her out on stage it was so loud in the auditorium that I wasn't sure she'd hear her music. Marlie said it was the best knowing all her friends were there cheering her on. Such a great group of girls! Marlie also had several of her studio friends cheering her on too. Thank you Carmen, Ella and Cadence!

The second competition went really well too. Marlie had fun hanging out with Brooke who is on Lionettes too. Brooke won the solo competition for 8th graders and Marlie won for 6th grade. They both got to redance at the end of the night and it was so much fun to watch! They did great!
The next morning they woke up and got to audition for Joffrey ballet. Marlie was excited she got number 27 which happens to be Matt's baseball number! They both got accepted to several summer intensives. Thanks Brooke for being a great role model for Marlie and taking care of her when she needed a little extra love!

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