Sunday, November 5, 2017

2017 Family Pics

We hadn't taken family pictures in a long time because I was hoping my long time BFF, Nicole Hatter would be able to take them. She is in San Antonio and every time we go, the weekends go by so fast visiting family. So I guess I gave up and asked one of my favorite dance Moms and thankfully she said yes! Thank you Cynthia Stielow for capturing the sweet and silly faces of my family and indulging my children with their ridiculous requests!
So my kids got comfortable with Cynthia really fast! These were the pictures they requested. The fish one is a long story but it has to do with a Dude Perfect episode and sweet Cynthia actually spent her precious time making this happen! You rock! So yes, the pics above are what we pretend to be and the pics below are the true Maziur's!

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