Monday, August 26, 2013

First Day of School!

So I'll be flat honest...I'm so tired of Mom's complaining about being with their kids all summer and anxiously awaiting to drop them off at school! How I would love to spend the summer with them exploring new things, teaching them all the things they don't learn in school and should (math!) and just being lazy.  We had 1 summer together a few years ago and it was awesome! 

But I do get very excited about the new school year.  I'm always so anxious to figure out who their teachers are...these people that get to spend more time with my children than I do and get to teach them so many things! Well this year our teachers are awesome and I know it's going to be a great year!

Marlie is in first grade and her teacher is Mrs. Edson.  I can't tell you how many great stories I've heard about her.  I'm so blessed Marlie is in her class.
Doug and I love walking them into their classrooms on the first day and watching their interactions with their teacher and friends. 
What I'm a little worried about is that half of Marlie's soccer team is in her class and she knows quite a few other girls too! Here's a cute pic of Chloe, Marlie and sweet Emma.  We met sweet Emma in Sunday school this summer and she's as quiet as a mouse and cute as a button.  I just loved having her in my class and I'm glad the girls are in class together.  Chloe is a member of the world famous Fairy Ponies! 
Honestly I did not know any of the 2nd grade teachers.  So when we heard that Matt had Mrs. Gommels I didn't really know what to think.  On our way to meet her we ran into the kid's Kinder teacher, Mrs. Grady and she told us that she was awesome!  Well sure enough...we immediately liked her.  She had already heard great things about Matt from Mrs. Hathorn, his 1st grade teacher and that made us proud.  She had a sweet poem for us to read the night before school started which included "magic confetti" to put under your pillow to get a good night's sleep!  Matt said it worked! Too cute!
Matt is that kid that knows everyone.  So he said he knows everyone in his class except 2 new people.  But none of his really good friends are in his class this year and that makes me a little sad.  However, I don't think it phases him much. 

I guess the good thing about all the camps we did this summer is that the kids are used to going to new places and making friends.  So neither were nervous at all this morning.  I think they were happy to be in their classes with familiar faces.  We are really blessed to go to a great school.  We have great teachers, staff and parents too.  Thank you for God for the answered prayer on continuing to surround us with wonderful people! 

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