Here are the boys on the roller coaster. Apparently Matt loved the first drop, but after it went faster and dipped more he had completely buried his face in Ed's armpit! Here we are at the Sea Lion show. The spooky cooky castle!
Darn I wish you could see this picture better. Abby and Matt are making their scary faces!
Funny look who's riding with Marlie! Hilarious!
And we couldn't skip the tea cups!!!
And after a long day we had great Mexican food in Old Town.
We ended the day with dinner at In-N-Out Burger and dessert at Cupcake Love where we shared 4 amazing cupcakes!!!
Day 4 was busy! We got to the zoo early and were lucky enough to see a zebra who was only 1! We also watched the gorillas for awhile. There was a baby and it was so cute to see her with her Mom. The baby gorilla was gazing at Marlie. Maybe she recognized she was little too. It's almost as if she wanted to play with her. It was so cute!
After the zoo we went back to the Hotel Del where we met cousin Rick and had a picnic on the beach!! Matt played football in the water with the boys and Marlie was happy as a lark sitting and playing in the sand. The seagulls ate most of our lunch but no one cared because it was so beautiful out there. Honestly we could have skipped the parks and just played on the beach every day and the kids would have loved it. We will do that for our next vacation for sure!!
That night we rushed home to get ready for the party! Ed tried to teach Doug how to surf and Doug said after only a few tries he was exhausted! Everyone came to our little condo (which turned out great), Doug grilled some steaks and we had a great time hanging out with everyone one last time. Shame on me for not taking pictures. We enjoyed one last sunset and promised to come back and do this all again! Thank you Ed, Shelley, AJ and Rick for spending time with our crazy family!! It wouldn't have been as fun without you!
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