So I finally broke down and decided to get Marlie's hair cut. It was almost long enough to tuck behind her ears, but most of the time it was in her face so I figured I didn't have a choice. Plus I get in trouble every morning with her teacher at school because I never have time to fix it. You should see us all getting ready in the morning to make sure Matt is to school before the bell at 8:00am. It's pretty comical and I end up doing what I hate most women do which is put on makeup in the car! Marlie looks about 1 year older and of course I cried because my "baby" is not really a baby anymore. Matt has always been good getting his hair cut but probably because we've been going since he was about 6 months old so it's old news. We figured Marlie would cry hysterically and go a few rounds with the hairdresser but she did okay. There were tears of course but most were mine!

And of course we were up EARLY in the morning for our 8:00am TBall game. Why at 8:00? I mean really.....the grass is still wet everyone is grumpy....who likes playing baseball at 8:00am? Oh well I should get used to this. It's only the beginning. The game was great again. I really thought that Doug and I would get the most joy out of this but honestly, Matt is loving it! And each week he gets a little better. Uncle Jay was at the game this week! After the game we went out for breakfast and we each had our "No the best part of the game was" thought. Uncle Jay said it was when Marlie cheered really loud for her brother. Doug thought it was when Matt was in the field and I yelled to him to get in the "baseball ready" position and he did it and yelled real loud like a linebacker would after sacking the quarterback. I thought the best part of the game was at the end when Matt realized our team wasn't organized and no one brought drinks or snacks for the kids so I looked back and saw Matt digging in the other teams ice chest. He already had a snack is in hand from the other team's coach too. My Mom thought the best part was when Matt was making snow angels in the dirt at home plate at the end of the game. I could go on and on.
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