Doug took Matt down to San Antonio last Thursday and my life just seems incomplete without him around. I miss him terribly but he is having a blast with his Grandparents and cousins. Every day we get an update and it seems to be nonstop fun. Doug's Dad and wife Lisa own a great gym so Matt and 2 of his cousins are going to gymnastics camp this week. Matt has been talking about it for awhile and keeps asking if we're going to go watch him. Breaks my heart. I'd love to be there. He'll come home on Monday and will start his new school on Thursday. He already has his Spiderman backpack that he is super excited about! More to come on that when he actually starts. But I have to tell you that Matt is an official celebrity. He is on the front page of the Houston Chronicle's Outdoor section. Check it out. I'm not sure how long it will be posted out there.
Doug had his annual guys weekend last weekend and I can't stop laughing at the fact that there was actually leftover beer brought back and that he was exhausted because they were out late but up at 7:00am each morning. Once you have kids you have trouble sleeping in. Sounds like they had fun though and unfortunately we don't have any incriminating photos to post.
Well let me tell you a little about this girl they call "Marlie". In the last week she has decided she can say as much as Matt. She is talking nonstop and we can make out a lot of it. My memory is coming back as she is now at the stage where she wants something and is frustrated when she tries to communicate and we don't understand her. So there's been lots of crankiness lately but we're so proud of her. So far her favorite color is "yellow" (she says it beautifully) and her favorite phrase is "I want to get down" although it sounds more like "I un a ge own". In the mornings she just says it over and over until someone comes to get her. She has also taken to the Brown Bear book and we've read it about 100 times in the last week. I can't get her interested in other books but we'll keep trying.
This weekend we met my dear friend Phuong and her daughter Mikayla at the Children's Museum. I've known Phuong since junior high and her daughter is 4 days younger than Marlie. Mikayla bought Marlie her buggy for her first bday that she loves! We had a blast but sometimes it's hard to believe that we're Moms of these little helpless creatures. Mikayla is as sweet as can be. I compare Marlie to Matt all the time so Marlie seems sweet to me. But not even close to Mikayla. She is so calm and easy going. I just had to hug her and squeeze her! It was great! We can't wait until they're old enough to want to go shopping! Maybe they'll be college roommates someday. You never know. I have put some pics in the slideshow as well!
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