Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Someone call CPS!

The Maziurs had a great weekend and I'll have to expand on that in my next posting. But for now let's talk about how we were afraid to go out in public with our kids for fear someone might call CPS! Both had swollen right eyes which means Dad must have a great right hook! If only it were Halloween and Doug could stroll around the neighborhood with us in a wife beater yelling at us! Oh maybe next year.

Marlie got her black eye trying to walk at Chick-fil-A. The play area just jumped out and got her! It turned black and blue immediately! She was upset but Dad was even more upset that it happened on his watch. No biggie these things just happen.

Matt got a mosquito bite one night and 2 mornings later he woke up with his eye swollen shut. Looked like he had been in a boxing match. We think he had an allergic reaction to the bite.

We're starting to look better so we'll be out and about this weekend without hats and big glasses to disguise who we are.

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