We had a few people over the other night and I think my kids are adorable but man you guys have some really beautiful children too. Here are just a few of the stars....is this the cutest Elmo you've ever seen? His sister is just as beautiful as he is handsome. Way to go Mom and Dad!

And this is little Emma. Cute her parents picked the name because it is pronounced the same in English and Spanish. This is my
Colombian friend Patricia who had a look of terror on her face when I once was so excited to go on vacation and I said "I can't sit still....I have ants in my pants". I'm sure you've heard this story...it's funny every time I tell it.
Here are Matt and Payton playing in the sandbox. After Payton came inside she told me that they were up to "wild business". Wish I had that clip to post on YouTube. 
And then I heard this beautiful sound coming from the other room. It was my daughters laugh. Her and Ashdin were wrestling with Ashdin's Daddy. I call this picture "drinking and...playing with children". 
Their smiles are much better in the above picture than when the Moms tried to take pictures with them. We couldn't get them to be still for a second!

Anyway we had a really good time and I think the kids did too. These were the only troublemakers at the party that went home toasted. Just kidding. Actually Rajesh was holding Marlie at the end of the night and she would not come back to me. She was resting on his shoulder, exhausted and comfortable. It was really sweet.

Other than that Marlie has turned into a 2 year old (she's only 17 months). All we hear from her lately is "mine" and when she gets mad she bites. She has now moved up to an older class at school and the transition isn't easy but better than I expected. I really loved her old teachers and she's been with them since she started school so it's hard for ME to let go. Another neat thing happened this morning....Marlie said "momma look". I know you're wondering why that was neat but it's the first time I've heard her put 2 words together. It was great!
Matt is still going strong with baseball (although he had a blast playing football with everyone at our house). My Dad was able to see a game when he was up last weekend and as everyone else he thought it was comical. It started to get cold so it was a good excuse for Doug to finally buy Matt something UnderArmour.

Matt says funny things EVERY day...I just can't keep up. But one really funny story happened today. I asked Matt if he could let the dogs in and give them a treat. Well Doug just bought these new dog treats that they don't like so Matt told them that he couldn't find the other ones so they had to have the ones they didn't like. Then he said "you get what you get, don't pitch a fit". It was hilarious!