Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Marlie's Manners Banquet

I absolutely loved volunteering to serve at Matt's Manners Banquet last year so I couldn't wait for Marlie's. It was such a wonderful event. The kids had a wonderful lunch and got to watch a fabulous slide show that sweet Jill Worden put together. There were baby pictures and current pictures of each child and then she did a collage of pictures from Kinder to now. I'm thankful that the school puts this event together. I'm thankful for all the sweet friends Marlie has made throughout the years and for all the wonderful teachers who have entered and shaped her life!
Mr. Austin's class. This man has been a true blessing to our family. Matt thought he was the coolest and Marlie thinks he is the nicest. He's so patient and loving with her. To top it off, he's an excellent teacher and makes learning fun!
Loved that our guitar teacher, Mrs. Kristi was playing during the event. I could sit and listen to her play for hours. It's just beautiful!
I love all these girls! It will be fun to watch them grow up together. 
The after-party! Such a great group of Moms too!