Friday, January 9, 2015


You know I love Soccer Saturdays and another season has come and gone.  This year Matt played soccer through the Texans Academy and wow what a completely different experience.  Marlie played again on the Fairy Ponies and had lots of fun with all her friends! Doug and I are always proud of these two tiny people who look adorable in their uniforms!
The Texans Academy is coached by soccer professionals, so Doug was able to sit back, relax and enjoy the show!  There were about 40 kids in the Academy and Matt had several friends that participated.  They broke the boys up into 4 teams and I was so proud that Matt made the highest level team.  Now let me say, the boys on his team were really GOOD.  And the competition was good too. Most of these kids play soccer year round so it was hard for Matt to keep up.  But in typical Matt fashion he worked hard and hustled like crazy.

Matt didn't have any good friends on his team but had fun making new friends.  His main coach, Coach Ossie was adorable (although I'm sure he wouldn't appreciate that description).  He is an older British guy and Matt learned so much. He was always yelling but with his British accent it always sounded sweet.  He was very positive and joked a lot with the boys. Doug and I really loved the whole experience and Matt had a blast!  He got to play almost every position and scored several goals.  Sometimes he'd miss the easy ones but made the tough ones from the outside.  He played goalie once and DID NOT like it, so he may have to practice that a bit more next fall.  Great job 335!!
Then there's Marlie's team...oh boy...the Fairy Ponies only won 1 game this season.  Marlie started the season off great!!! She scored almost every game for the first 7 games and was the only one on her team that scored.  Then her coach kept yelling her to stay in position and that was it. He pulled her out once because she went to the other side of the field and then after that her feet were firmly planted in the ground...not the best for soccer.  I will say that the team was made up of all her neighborhood friends and she loved being with them.
Marlie you did great this year.  I'm always amazed at how fast your run.  The picture below reminds me of how you like to out run the other team!! 
I'm sad that this might possibly be our last year of soccer.  We will see.  Marlie loves dancing and it seems to be taking up more time every year.