What a crazy weekend! Marlie started school on Friday. We had a bit of drama. We did not get Mrs. Melissa, the wonderful teacher Matt had in PreK-4 and Marlie's close friends Lauren and Hayden are not in her class either! Honestly it was more upsetting to me than Marlie. Marlie was too excited. And I tried very hard to be too.
We are in Mrs. Lisa and Mrs. Alex's class. They have been teaching together for a while now and are a great team. Marlie came home with The Kissing Hand book on her first day and she was so excited. She went on and on about her day and Mrs. Lisa said "she had a VERY good first day." Marlie told me she helped clean all the centers (which is so hard for me to believe). So all is well. Lauren's Mom, Patty, told me Lauren woke up crying because Marlie was not in her class. Luckily the girls will see each other at recess and they are doing ballet and soccer together this fall.

Matt was so excited because he didn't have to go to school. But when we walked by the hall where he used to go to Kinder and he saw his friends lined up ready to go into 1st grade he got teary-eyed. I was not expecting that at all. He started blinking trying to hold it in. I stopped and asked him if he was ok. He said "Mom I'm just tired", which he never says. So I started crying too! We left school and Matt and I got to spend a wonderful day together, just he and I.
Saturday morning we were excited to go to Andrew's b-day party. It was at the movie theater which was a great idea! Afterwards we were walking out and Marlie, Lauren, Ashdin and Sam were playing. They were having so much fun playing pirates that we didn't want to leave. 20 minutes later we heard a loud thud followed by lots of crying. It was mine. Marlie and Ashdin ran into each other while running and she went down head first on the concrete. She's a tough cookie but she was pretty hysterical.
I called the pediatrician as soon as we got home. I noticed she was pale and she couldn't keep her eyes open. It also seemed like she was still in a lot of pain. Pediatrician asked if she was vomiting and I said no. Asked if it hurt to touch it and I said yes. She said that it was best to be safe and take her in. Luckily we did. I had just sat down with her in the waiting room when she started throwing up...a ton!! I completely panicked assuming the worst. I yelled across the waiting room that we wanted to see a doc immediately. When no one jumped as fast as my friend Aseena had when we heard the thud, I said it again. I think Doug was yelling at them too. When she finally stopped Doug grabbed her and took her back. I think he ordered a cat scan on his way to the room!! I couldn't move because I was completely covered.
Oh my...thankfully it was nothing major. But she has a concussion. Later that night she was very perky as if nothing happened. Doc said to watch her for a week so I am trying hard to keep her still but that's like bathing a cat. So we are watching more cartoons this week trying to be still. Thank you God that it was not worse.