I'll do a little catch up here. We've been here and there and always moving! I thought this summer would be nice and relaxing but it's just as busy as usual. Crazy fun!
Doug had a meeting at the JW Marriott in SA a few weeks ago so the kids and I tagged along. It was really nice and relaxing and we got to see all our grandparents, cousins and the Hatters too! The pool and water park were great and lots of fun but I think our favorite part of the trip were our morning picnics. Doug was off early but the kids and I would wake up leisurely and watch cartoons in bed. Then I'd throw a pool towel on the floor and we'd eat breakfast in our room. Typically our mornings are getting up, getting dressed, shoveling in something for breakfast and running out the door. So this was a really nice change. I didn't take the camera out until we were checking out the last day so I missed capturing our fun, but here are a few.
Matt and Caden went to baseball camp and then Matt went back a few weeks later for a hitting camp. The hitting camp was in the mornings so he got to come to work with me in the afternoons. Everyone enjoyed meeting him and he loved all the attention. His comments to me were, "Mom all you do is print at work" and after the third day, "Mom I don't want to work when I grow up. I just want to play baseball." So apparently he was not impressed at all! Matt is also doing Camp Primrose and is so excited that he gets to go on field trips on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Today they went to the Museum of Natural Science which is one of my favorites! I still worry a little but the kids wear bright orange (hideous) tshirts so it would be really difficult for one of them to get lost! In the evenings we practice our reading. I can't believe how well Matt is reading! I'm so proud of him!
Marlie is also going to Camp Primrose but they stay on campus! Ashdin and Lauren are there too so they have fun together. She sung the cutest ABC song tonight where she says the letter, the sound of the letter and a word that starts with the letter. But as she's singing, she's doing these movements too. I'll have to get it on video. Marlie's biggest news is that as of last Friday, she swims like a fish! We bought her a new pair of goggles that fits better and it was like a night and day difference. She swims like a mad fool and isn't scared at all. Luckily we still have some time this summer to keep practicing. I'm officially the only family member that doesn't know how to swim!!
We went with our friends the McCready's last weekend fishing down in Galveston. Traci cooked us the best hamburgers I've ever had on the boat and the kids had a blast fishing. We also got to spend some time with the Steinbring's. The kids just love Mr. Scott! Matt and Trevor played baseball the whole time. Neither of them can ever get enough baseball! And Marlie loved that Mrs. June put 2 braids in her hair!
I hope everyone is enjoying their summer! I can't believe it's going by so fast!