Hmmm...sometimes I feel tricked by all my family members but mostly they are a treat! We had a fun Halloween weekend. It all started with the kid's Halloween parties at school. All the kids were adorable. I had "fun" running back and forth from both parties. Here are the cupcakes I made for Matt's party which I thought turned out pretty cute...
When I walked into Marlie's class her and Ashdin were dancing like fools while they sang Monster Mash. It was hilarious. Her class wore Halloween PJs which makes it easier than kids being in their costumes all day. They loved eating their Halloween cupcakes too.
Matt was allowed to wear his costume but it was so bulky that I thought it might be best not to wear it all day. So the night before we scrambled and actually did great with a baseball player costume. He looked adorable and his friends did too. Hopefully Hannah will hand us down her costume for Marlie. It was cute!
After our parties we met a few friends at the park. It was a beautiful day and I figured they could run for awhile since they were on a sugar high! Papa and Nona Lisa came to visit and surprised the kids at the park. Marlie practically jumped out of the swing to run to Papa.
Saturday morning we were all excited about going to Matt's soccer game. We played a great team and the game was amazing. The kids all played so hard (but I think we won...who's keeping tabs...well me). Matt scored a few goals but he had to really work for them. Again...a very proud Mom. Melissa and I were yelling on the sidelines like it was the final match in the World Cup. I am embarrassed that I yell "go get'em" at a 5 year old soccer game.

After a nice long lunch at Tin Roof with our tribe and the Wellmann's we headed home for a quick nap. Then it was off to our neighborhood Fall Festival. The kids had a blast and we got to see lots of friends. Afterwards the kids decorated small pumpkins with Mr. Potato Head pieces. Matt's was a pirate and Marlie's a princess of course. I thought that checked the list on pumpkin decorating but Doug was still up for pumpkin carving. So after church on Sunday they carved pumpkins. The kids reluctantly helped clean them out and Dad and Papa did the carving. Marlie was very specific that she wanted heart eyes, an oval nose and 3 teeth. Matt just wanted a mean pumpkin.

After another quick nap it was time to get ready for Halloween! Matt wanted to be blue bat man this year so of course Marlie wanted to be bat girl. I tried so hard to convince her to be a princess of some sort but she didn't want anything to do with that. They were cute...Marlie's costume turned out cuter than expected and she loved it! She made this funny mad face, flexing her muscles in every picture. My little girl!!
It was off to the Hidrobo's 2nd annual Halloween party. They do such a great job with scary and fun snacks and treats. It was awesome and the parents had fun too. Luca plays on our soccer team this year so they invited the whole team which meant we got to hang out with our neighbors and all our soccer friends too. It was a blast. I love this pic of Avery and Marlie...
And here's the rest of the neighbors. I couldn't get everyone in of course...
Then it was time to trick-or-treat! As I suspected the kids RAN from house to house. Luckily Marlie could keep up a little better this year but not completely. We had a huge group of kiddos with us...the LaBorde's, the Wellmann's, the Patton's, the Giffhorn's and the Anthony's. So each house got slammed with about 15 kids all at once! Here's Cole, Marlie, Caden, Matt (sort of) and Avery.
And here you can see Ryan, James, Austin and Braden.
And I saved the best for last...Doug and Larry have been talking for years about wearing Doug's old track uniforms on Halloween. Well since Baylor beat UT, Doug couldn't resist. It was only slightly embarrassing and mostly hysterical. I'm surprised Joel, Melissa and Gayle got in the picture with Doug!
I love seeing these kids dressed up and the excitement in their eyes as they walk up to each door. This is always such a fun holiday in our hood! Thanks to our awesome friends!! So glad Papa, Nona Lisa and Nene could participate in this crazy night with us.