Thank you to the parents who are all amazing! We are blessed to know you all!
Check out the slide show with more soccer pics!
Thank you to the parents who are all amazing! We are blessed to know you all!
Check out the slide show with more soccer pics!
Matt had a party at school that was tons of fun. They started off by singing Halloween and pumpkin songs and it was SO cute. All the kids were in their costumes and it was awesome to see them all. Marlie had a parade at school. As usual she lasted about 30 seconds before she spotted me so Matt and I marched with her and we let Dad take pictures.
Then it was finally time for the Halloween! Our parmers got dressed and ready to go! Here they are showing off their boots!
And Halloween was a blast!!!! We started at our neighbor's house who were so nice to have a party for all the kids. They had creepy snacks and the kids played and had so much fun. Then we were off to trick-o-treat! We met up with a few families in the neighborhood and were off! Matt definitely had the routine down this year. Marlie tried hard to keep up and did really well.
The adults had a blast too. Mr. Andy had their gator that was used to cart us around and also served as the adult bar. Mr. Kevin made his famous sangria and as you can imagine we had just as much fun as the kids!
Marlie decided she was ready to go home so we ended the night at our house handing out candy which the kids loved too. It was a great night!!! I can't wait for next year! You can check out the slide show for more pics!