I packed the kids in the car to head to
Nene's house for dinner and as I was backing out of the garage the darn trash can was in my way so I had to get out to get it (was hoping I could just wait for Doug to bring it in). I thought it was raining but as I looked up I realized it was snowing!! I jumped back in the car screaming "It's snowing!" and Matt didn't really understand at first but was just smiling because he could see the excitement on my face. To say it was beautiful is an understatement. It came down pretty hard for about 4 hours. Here's a picture of our house WITH SNOW and Matt playing outside in his

Yes you'll also notice we are on our way to having a
Griswald yard. To be honest I hate those blow up things. They are nice up but during the day the whole
neighborhood has deflated
Santas and Snowmen in the yards. The first day Marlie saw it down she said "uh-oh Santa". Our new neighbors have 2 year old twins and apparently one of them freaked out too when she saw Santa head down in the dirt. BUT Matt really wanted one so Santa will stay.
Matt had a Christmas program at school and it was fantastic. I'd pay more to see him on stage than I would a great Broadway show, no offense to all the amazing men and women who have those talents that I'd dream of having, but this is my baby on stage!!! The PreK-3 kids sang about 4 really short songs but it was really neat. And Matt did great. He was a ham and had the biggest smile on his face the entire time. 

Speaking of singing...Marlie will be the smallest Christmas caroller I've ever seen. She sings "Jingle Bells, jingle all the way" and then joins in on the "Hey" part at the perfect time. We were singing "Santa Claus is coming" and she blurted out with "to town"! I didn't even know she knew that song. And she sings bit and pieces of Rudolph of course. We like to play Christmas music and drive around and look at Christmas lights so I guess she's caught on.
Marlie has continued to amaze us all with how fast she seems to be catching on to the world. I suppose she's trying to keep up with Matt. My friend bought the kids Advent calendars (thank you, thank you) and the other day Marlie had hers and was saying something. I was busy but after about the 5th time I turned to see she was pointing to the Baby Jesus saying "Jesus" but sounded more like "e-suh". It was great. We're trying real hard to make sure that the kids understand the true meaning of Christmas. It's so easy to get wrapped up with gift giving, parties, etc. So I will make a cake and we'll sing Happy Birthday to Jesus. Matt is already excited about the party!