We also got to spend time with the Hatters and Nicole and I took the kids to ride the train one day. I'm hoping Nicole has some pictures posted on her blog. We had a great time and I love seeing those kids. Parents also got to get out and have a drink too! Oh that was really nice!
This Saturday we spent birthday hopping and had a great time! The first was at Matthew Davis' party. Every time I told Matt we were going to Matthew's party he'd get all excited and say "my party mom?" But he had fun anyway and it was nice seeing some old friends and their children. After that we went to Alyssa's party. Alyssa and Matt have been in school together for a while and we all fell in love with Alyssa the first day we met her. She has the curliest, blondest hair and from the time she was tiny she would come up to all of us and give us hugs. She is pretty darn cute. Here's a picture of Matt and Alyssa being silly. Her Mom has a better picture that I will post when I get it!
Other than that we've been getting everything back in order at our house and most importantly...........we started TBall practice!! We had our 2nd practice today and our first game is this Saturday. Matt LOVES being out there and is having a great time. He's pretty good at hitting but not so good at throwing or catching. We'll work on it over the next couple of years but right now he's happy as can be just putting on his baseball pants and socks! So my next blog will for sure have tons of pics from his first game. I can't wait!!! We also tried on our Halloween costumes last night and had a blast! I'm dying to post some pictures but I'm going to wait until Halloween so I don't ruin the surprise. You can guess from my recent posts what Matt wants to be for Halloween and he wants his sister to be the same thing. So we've got our costumes ready to go.
We had our check-ups at the doc office. It was a horrible experience. Matt is usually great at the doctor and ended up saying "NO" to everything the sweet doctor asked him to do. I was so embarrased. Marlie has never been good at the doc. She cries when they try to touch her. But they are healthy and on track. Matt weighs 35 pounds and is 40.5 inches - 97% for height and 80% for weight. Doc said he's on track to be 6'4 but Doug thinks they mismeasured him and we shouldn't get too excited yet. Marlie is 22 pounds and is 31.5 inches - 50% for height and 40% for weight. For some reason she looks so big to me now. I am still amazed at how much she says. And still saying please and thank you constantly. I'm sure that won't last so I'll enjoy it while I can.